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CUSG Announces First Place Honors for 2024 MemberXP™ 'Best of the Best' Awards

Recognizing member-centric excellence within the industry, the 8th annual awards honor credit unions consistently delivering the most exceptional experiences.

CU Solutions Group (CUSG) is proud to announce the complete list of first-place winners of the 2024 MemberXP 'Best of the Best' Awards. These prestigious awards recognize credit unions that consistently delivered exceptional member experiences last year and demonstrated outstanding member-centric leadership within the industry.
The 2024 MemberXP 'Best of the Best' Awards highlight ten credit unions across nine states that have excelled in providing extraordinary member experiences. These awards focus on 13 areas of member experience, ranging from every day in-person and digital interactions to sensitive engagements like applying for loans and financial planning.

“Fostering member loyalty amidst growing competition from big banks and fintechs is a formidable challenge,” stressed David Dean, CUSG COO and MemberXP business unit leader. “Credit unions that successfully engage members and harness their valuable insights not only distinguish themselves but also wield the power to generate a demonstrable return on their investment.”

Among the notable winners this year, Marshall Community Credit Union in Michigan claimed the top spot for Best Overall Member Experience and Best New Member Experience. "We are incredibly honored to receive the MemberXP ‘Best of the Best’ Award for Best Overall Member Experience,” says Corrie Rozell, CEO, Marshall Community Credit Union. “This recognition is a testament to the dedication of our team to consistently exceed our members' expectations. Here at Marshall Community Credit Union, our members are at the heart of everything we do, and it's their feedback that drives us to continuously improve. We are grateful for their trust and support, which has made this achievement possible."

Educational Systems Federal Credit Union in Maryland also distinguished itself, earning top honors for Most Appreciative Staff and Best Member Advocacy for the second year in a row. Their consistent focus on member feedback and decisive actions have led to remarkable results.

The 2024 MemberXP 'Best of the Best' Awards are based on feedback collected from nearly 8 million credit union members who responded to more than 300,000 surveys. The awards recognize the top performers in each category, with the highest-ranking credit union in each category receiving top honors.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Member Effort Score (MES) along with 12 other key performance metrics are methodically analyzed by MemberXP data experts, who identify, rank, and validate the results. The top 25% of performers in each financial experience category are recognized, while the top credit union in each category earns the MemberXP ‘Best of the Best’ awards top honors.

Congratulations to all the 2024 MemberXP 'Best of the Best' Award winners for their dedication to serving members with extraordinary experiences.

Winners awarded top honors in each experiential category are:

#1 Ranked Credit Unions

2024 MXP 'Best of the Best'

Marshall Community Credit Union, Michigan

Best Overall Member Experience

Best New Member Experience


LGE Community Credit Union, Georgia

Best Transaction Experience


Appalachian Community Federal Credit Union, Tennessee

Best Consumer Loan Experience


Genco Federal Credit Union, Texas

Best New Account Experience


Visions Federal Credit Union, New York

Best Mobile App Experience

2023 & 2024 Winner

Best Online Banking Experience


General Electric Credit Union, Ohio

Best Mortgage Loan Experience


 Community Choice Credit Union, Michigan 

Best Member Care Experience


TVA Community Credit Union, Alabama

Most Reliable Staff

2023 & 2024 Winner


Educational Systems Federal Credit Union, Maryland

Most Appreciative Staff

2023 & 2024 Winner 

Best Member Advocacy

Credit unions interested in MemberXP can learn more at or by emailing