Credit Union Connection

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First Capital Federal Credit Union’s CEO is On The Go… Thanking Our Local Non-Profits with Thousands of Dollars!

As part of our 70th Anniversary celebration, First Capital Federal Credit Union President/CEO Sue DeStephano and team, were on the go the week of Thanksgiving, visiting seven local non-profits to give them ‘THOUSANDS’ of dollars. From October 14th – 25th, more than a thousand community members voted for their favorite non-profit to get a share of the money. We tallied the votes, and are excited to announce the seven lucky organizations are:

  • Olivia’s House

  • The ARC of York County

  • Community Progress Council

  • York JCC

  • 18 South Youth Center

  • York County SPCA

  • York Habitat for Humanity

"As part of our 70th Anniversary celebration, we donated seventy thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars each, to seven local, non-profit entities, said Sue DeStephano, President/CEO. “There is no greater satisfaction than expressing gratitude to these organizations for their tireless efforts in providing assistance to those in our community who are most in need."