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First Harvest Credit Union's Charitable Journey Program Begins Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraising

Donations Collected for the Cooper Foundation, with Proceeds Benefiting the MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper

First Harvest Credit Union (“First Harvest”) employees are raising funds throughout October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month to support local research and breast cancer patients. Through First Harvest’s Charitable Journey program, employees and members can make a donation to purchase a pink ribbon, which can include their own personal message and will be displayed in First Harvest branch locations.

Charitable Journey is an employee-led program established in 2015 by a volunteer group of First Harvest employees with a passion to serve our community. In addition to its quarterly fundraising initiatives to support various charities, the program also collects funds throughout the month of October to directly support breast cancer research and awareness through the MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper. Since inception, the Charitable Journey Program has donated over $51,500 to local charities and organizations.

Donations can be made at any of First Harvest’s branch locations, and pink ribbons will be given to anyone who contributes at least $1. The pink ribbons will be displayed in the branch all month long. Additionally, employees will have two “Pink-Out” dress-down days throughout October to demonstrate their support for the cause.

“Don’t wait for something to directly impact you before you get involved - Breast Cancer Awareness leads to early detection and can save lives,” stated Camille Gadsden, SVP Controller & Asset Recovery and founding member of Charitable Journey.

 “The First Harvest Charitable Journey program is entirely governed and funded by our employees. The impact made by our staff stretches beyond our members’ financial wellbeing,” stated First Harvest President & CEO, Mike Dinneen. “Breast cancer touches so many lives – raising awareness about early detection and supporting research efforts is an impactful cause.  I am so proud of our employees for their social commitment in the communities we serve.”