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InterLutions CUSO Helps Small Credit Unions Deliver Competitive Employee Health Plans; Launches Insurance Agency

InterLutions, a CUSO specializing in employee benefit solutions, recently launched a comprehensive employee benefits plan for small credit unions called the I-Care Health Plan. Delivered through the CUSO’s insurance agency, the I-Care Health Plan offers credit unions a competitive alternative for employee health care benefits through enhanced underwriting, pooled employee programs, and flexible plan designs.

“Small credit unions and their employees continue to pay more for health insurance while the carriers continue to profit,” said Jesse Kohl, President of InterLutions. “Large insurance networks struggle to scale down and deliver competitive plans for small credit unions; while small insurance providers often deliver un-tailored and high-cost products that don’t fit the needs of small employers.”

A unique advantage of the CUSO’s health plan is achieved through enhanced underwriting strategies that have proven to deliver more competitive premiums to credit union employees. The CUSO highlights its medical claims reports that demonstrate how credit unions are generally a healthier population than other industries, and thus deserve lower premiums.

“We leverage our claims data and state-of-the-art technology platforms, along with innovative and collaborative health plan models to deliver better results for our clients,” Kohl reported. “We’re excited to offer credit unions customized and affordable benefit plans to help them recruit and retain high-quality talent to thrive in this competitive labor market.”

Prior to launching the insurance agency in October, the CUSO worked with an advisory council of credit union CEOs and conducted a healthcare feasibility study to examine real-time data and results. Since the inception of its insurance agency, InterLutions has welcomed over a dozen new credit unions to its I-Care Family by delivering stronger benefits and lower premiums. “Our goal has been to build a customized healthcare solution to help credit unions,” Kohl said. "Our results are showing the I-Care Health Plan is that solution.”