Credit Union Connection

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Mazuma Credit Union Selects Mike Schreck to Serve as CRO

Mazuma Credit Union has selected Mike Schreck to serve as its first Chief Risk Officer.

“As we continue to navigate an increasingly complex financial landscape, the appointment of our first Chief Risk Officer underscores Mazuma’s commitment to safeguarding our Members’ trust and financial well-being. This strategic role will enhance our ability to identify and manage risks more effectively, enabling us to maintain the highest standards of excellence and security in our operations,” says Deonne Christensen, President & CEO. “We are excited to promote Mike to this role as his expansive experience, education, proven leadership, and dedication to our Credit Union for the past decade have been key components of our ability to fulfill our purpose of Making Kansas City a Better Place to Live, Work, and Bank!”

Schreck is an experienced risk management executive with 38 years of industry service, including ten years spent as a bank examiner. He joined Mazuma over a decade ago, serving in various risk management roles and helping the credit union build out its risk management functions. Schreck has a proven track record in developing and implementing comprehensive risk management programs that support strategic planning and operational decision-making. His expertise spans financial and market risks, regulatory compliance, operational and fraud risks, and strategic and reputational risks. His passion, dedication, institutional insight, and commitment to Mazuma’s culture made him the best fit for this role.

“I am excited to work with Mazuma’s leadership team and volunteers to find new opportunities to serve the financial needs of the people of Kansas City, while identifying and managing the risks inherent in the financial services industry,” says Schreck. “Mazuma’s purpose is Making Kansas City a Better Place to Live, Work, and Bank, and I am committed to that purpose. It’s our home-grown version of the credit union philosophy of ‘people helping people’.”

“I appreciated the opportunity to work with DDJ Myers. They were professional and kept me engaged throughout the recruiting, interview, and evaluation processes,” says Schreck. “I am also looking forward to working with one of their executive coaches as I begin my new role at Mazuma Credit Union.”

In addition to his professional experience, Schreck is committed to ongoing learning and growth, which is one of Mazuma’s core values. His education and professional credentials include earning his Bachelor of Science in Accounting (Summa Cum Laude). Schreck is also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA), Credit Union Enterprise Risk Management Expert (CUERME), and Credit Union Compliance Expert.

Schreck has been happily married to his wife Melanie for 30 years. They have four adult children, a grandson, and a granddaughter on the way. He loves to spend time with his family and to read. He volunteers a lot of his free time serving and mentoring others through his church, at work, and in the credit union industry.

The search was conducted by DDJ Myers