Credit Union Connection

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Michigan Saves Partnering with TBA Credit Union to Expand Financial Solutions for Michigan Residents

Michigan Saves, the nation's first nonprofit green bank, is pleased to announce its partnership with TBA Credit Union, a locally managed community credit union based in Traverse City. This collaboration will empower Michigan residents to pursue energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements for enhanced comfort in their homes by providing them with additional financial solutions and enabling access to affordable financing, making it easier to upgrade their homes and reduce utility bills.

Through its extensive network of lenders like TBA Credit Union, Michigan Saves offers borrowers favorable and low-interest financing options for their desired energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades.

"We are thrilled to have TBA Credit Union joining our network of residential lenders to bring additional financial solutions to Michigan residents,” said Chanell Scott Contreras, President and CEO of Michigan Saves. “By combining our expertise and resources, we can empower more individuals to make energy-efficient choices and contribute to a greener future."

Michigan Saves, in collaboration with its network of lenders, contractors, utilities, and government agencies, is committed to accelerating the demand for energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades. With over a decade of experience leveraging private funding to develop financing programs, the nonprofit continues to expand its offerings and contractor base. This growth ensures that an increasing number of Michiganders can benefit from improved health and safety. By educating and providing Michigan energy users with accessible financing options, Michigan Saves aims to create a more sustainable future for the state.

"TBA Credit Union is proud to partner with Michigan Saves to support their important work in promoting energy efficiency,” said Karen Browne, President and CEO of TBA Credit Union. “Through this partnership, we can create a more sustainable and prosperous Michigan for all.”