Credit Union Connection

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Northwest Federal Credit Union and DATA Formalize Partnership

Northwest Federal Credit Union (NWFCU) and The Dulles Area Transportation Association (DATA) formalized their partnership today making members of the DATA Community immediately eligible for NWFCU’s long list of member-owner financial services. This agreement will also allow NWFCU and DATA to better pool resources to help Northern Virginia residents in need.

DATA President and CEO Doug Pickford said, “We are thrilled that NWFCU membership will now be a valued member benefit for all in our association. We’ve long-enjoyed working with the NWFCU team beginning with our helping them to promote sustainable vanpools to their employees.” Pickford added “In addition to the many ways they help families in need with groceries, clothing, and other vital needs, they’ve been a stalwart supporter of DATA’s free taxi or volunteer-provided rides to elderly, veteran, and disabled neighbors.”

DATA also recently nominated NWFCU for Commuter Connections’ 25th Annual Employer Recognition Awards in the Telework category after their lightning-quick response of instituting a formal remote work policy in response to the challenges of COVID.

New members will join a 250,000-plus member-owned base of the award-winning credit union. “As a lifetime financial partner, we represent the needs of our members and the community,” said Northwest Federal Credit Union President and CEO Jeff Bentley. “Everything we do stems from that tenet – whether it is community work to help children, new parents, or other credit unions, to empowering our employees with paid volunteer hours.”

Other member benefits include free checking options with rewards, competitive rates on home, auto, and personal loans, free financial guidance, tools, webinars, and seminars, and strong community outreach. All upcoming webinars for financial intelligence are available here.