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Numerica Launches $10,000 Match Challenge to Support CCS Foundation Food Bank

As students return to college, many face challenges beyond the classroom — like starting their day hungry. Numerica Credit Union is partnering with the Community Colleges of Spokane Foundation to address this urgent need by supporting its Adult Education Center food bank, which primarily serves ESL learners and refugees.

Numerica is challenging the community to help make a difference. Through Sept. 18, Numerica will match donations to the food bank, up to $10,000.

“Our community thrives when we come together to support one another,” said Carla Cicero, Numerica president and CEO. “At Numerica, we’re passionate about helping people achieve their dreams of higher education. By matching donations, these students can focus on their education without the added stress of worrying about their next meal."

This initiative will help stock the pantry with dry food, frozen goods, and fresh produce, providing essential nourishment for students in need.

“At the CCS Foundation, our mission is, ‘We make potential possible,’” said Heather Beebe-Stevens, Community Colleges of Spokane Foundation executive director. “Students can’t reach their potential if they don’t have basic needs, like a reliable way to get food. We’re so grateful to have partners like Numerica who believe in our students and their bright futures.”

For more information or to donate, visit