Credit Union Connection

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People’s Credit Union Donates $1,000 to Aquidneck Community Table Selected by Employees Through ‘Catalyst for a Cause’ Program

People’s Credit Union Head of Community Development, Courtney Hunter, recently presented a check for $1,000 to Rose Jones, Executive Director of Aquidneck Community Table, to support their mission of growing a healthy local food system for everyone on Aquidneck Island. The organization was selected through People’s Catalyst for a Cause program, where contributing employees quarterly honor a deserving recipient with the proceeds from their donations.

"The team at Aquidneck Community Table works tirelessly to nourish our community by growing and distributing foods through community gardens and farmers' markets, and developing programs that inspire young people to love healthy foods," stated Ms. Hunter. "Our team is proud to recognize these efforts to strengthen the island's food system, support the local economy, and expand access to fresh healthy food for everyone."