Credit Union Connection

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Reputation and KeyStone’s Ease-of-Use Drives $2.27 Billion America’s First Federal Credit Union to Partner with Corelation

Seeking to partner with a core processor focused on growth and excellent client service, America’s First Federal Credit Union ($2.27 billion in assets; 189,358 members; Birmingham, AL) announces their selection of Corelation’s KeyStone.

Meticulous in their due diligence efforts, America’s First FCU put together a team of subject matter experts representing all aspects of the organization to complete a thorough evaluation. After completing internal functionality reviews, the committee participated in a significant number of calls with current Corelation clients and site visits to local Alabama credit unions using KeyStone.

“From my standpoint, the decision to select KeyStone was easy. Our core selection team made a unanimous decision in favor of KeyStone,” shared America’s First FCU President/CEO Bill Connor. “It was important for us to partner with a nimble, growing company like Corelation. In conversations with our sister credit unions using KeyStone, they all had a positive view of their relationship with Corelation and praised their client service.”

Some of the highlights that excited the credit union about KeyStone: the 24/7/365 uptime, the ‘More in the Core’ philosophy, HADR (high-availability disaster recovery), and their open API [KeyBridge] that already has integration with almost all of their third-party vendors.

“When you boil it all down, KeyStone is both powerful and easy to navigate; the intuitive nature of the workflow will simplify our training processes and shorten the learning curve for new employees,” noted America’s First FCU SVP – Chief Delivery Systems Officer Mike Northrup. “The Corelation credit unions we spoke with confirmed KeyStone’s 100% uptime. We are excited to eliminate the nightly downtime we deal with now.”

America’s First Federal Credit Union is scheduled to convert in October 2023.

“As Corelation continues to grow, we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing unparalleled client service and we are grateful for the opportunity to serve America’s First Federal Credit Union,” said Corelation President Rob Landis.