Credit Union Connection

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Summit Credit Union Awards $56,000 in Scholarships

Summit Credit Union is pleased to announce awarding $56,000 in scholarship grants for fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters. Fifty-six students were selected based on their academic achievements, their involvement in school, and community-related activities. The scholarship funds will be used towards each recipient’s college-related expenses. Since inception, Summit Credit Union has awarded over $360,000 in scholarships and has helped over 360 students in their pursuit of knowledge.

“We are honored to continue the legacy of Elizabeth ‘Sis’ Hamilton and James ‘Jim’ Hamilton. Thanks to their generosity, we are able to continue our college scholarship program. Summit Credit Union strongly supports the pursuit of knowledge and education opportunities. In support of our ongoing mission, we are proud to offer scholarships to our members,” says Sam Whitehurst, President and CEO of Summit Credit Union.

Summit Credit Union offers scholarships to any member who is an adult or high school senior and expects to attend an educational program beyond high school as a full-time student. Scholarships are given through the Elizabeth N. and James V. Hamilton Scholarship Fund. Applications for the next academic year of 2024-2025 can be submitted for consideration on our website beginning October 1, 2023