Credit Union Connection

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Your Marketing Co. Says Cheers to 15 Years of Serving Credit Unions!

Your Marketing Co. turns 15 in March, and to celebrate, the leading strategic planning, branding and marketing firm for credit unions that seek innovation, relevancy and growth, sipped and shipped champagne to all of its clients!

Since its founding in 2008, Your Marketing Co. has expanded its services into strategic planning, branding and mission & vision work. “While creating strategic marketing plans for our credit union clients, we were able to see gaps that we knew we could fill,” McDonald observed. “A credit union may not be making as many loans as it would like, but is that because it’s marketing isn’t effective or because there’s a logjam somewhere in its processes? Your Marketing Co. was able to combine that insight with our 30,000-foot view across dozens of credit unions to expand our offerings to help credit unions better serve their members and thrive.”

The success of Your Marketing Co. is defined by the success of its clients. While most credit unions with less than $1 billion in assets (which encompasses all Your Marketing Co. clients) experienced declining membership in the 12 months ending Sept. 30, 2022, according to the NCUA, Your Marketing Co. clients celebrated a median 1.31% membership increase. Loan growth also exceeded the median for all federally insured credit unions (14.2% vs 10.1%) during the same period.

“The average asset size of our clients is $115.4 million,” McDonald noted. “You read a lot in the trade press about similarly sized credit unions merging into oblivion. The leadership and tenacity demonstrated by our clients is impressive. I’m confident they will continue serving their members well for years to come. Merger is not the only solution for our boutique credit unions. Leadership is.”