Civic Federal Credit Union Takes Big Steps in Sustainability

Civic Federal Credit Union (Civic) proudly announces the completion of a solar panel installation at its headquarters in Raleigh, N.C. The onsite installation includes 272 photovoltaic panels creating 130.06 kilowatts of power, with a first-year estimate of 159,492 kilowatts, which will offset approximately 11% of the electric energy used at Civic headquarters. Sustainability is a focal point in the mission of the Credit Union and this installation is a tangible expression of the values driving the organization.

According to Jeanne Erwin, Board Chair of Civic, “Civic Federal Credit Union’s sustainability focus positions us as a leader in the financial services industry, and with the installation of solar panels we continue the pledge we’ve made to keep sustainability front and center as we follow the lead of local governments in North Carolina.”

While the solar project makes Civic a leader in the industry, it serves as part of a more robust sustainability plan. Civic is currently carbon neutral and is exploring steps toward net-zero or carbon positive emissions and is exploring the necessary actions to attain Platinum Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, for the Civic headquarters in Raleigh; the building now holds LEED Gold certification.

Dwayne Naylor, newly appointed CEO of Civic and Local Government Federal Credit Unions states, “What better way to show our commitment to our members, partners, and the communities where they live and work than to keep pace with our mission, to instill and inspire socially-conscious values of our organization within our fellow employees, members and other participants in our community. We are following local government in North Carolina leadership in sustainability as we lead in the credit union and financial services industries.”

As North Carolina's first digital-first Credit Union, Civic is a member-led organization that serves local government employees, volunteers, elected officials and their families, as well as small businesses. Opening its virtual doors in 2018, Civic serves all 100 North Carolina counties from its headquarters building on Wake Forest Road in Raleigh.

The very nature of a digital-first credit union provides opportunities for reducing environmental footprint. As the fastest-growing credit union in North Carolina and the nation, Civic leads the industry for photovoltaic power to support operations.

Ken Noland, Chair of Local Government Federal Credit Union’s board, explained, “The installation of the solar panels aligns with Civic and Local Government Federal Credit Unions’ values to prioritize prosperity while minimizing the Credit Unions’ environmental footprint. I’m proud of the goals that we continue to achieve as we move forward in our sustainability journey.”

Since its inception, Civic has introduced several initiatives aimed at reducing its environmental footprint and staying true to its mission, including:

·        Educating staff and members on successful sustainability

·        Attaining LEED Gold certification

·        Chartering an internal Values Committee tasked with assessing and supporting a sustainability-centric, values-based business strategy

·        Installing four electric vehicle charging stations at its headquarters, open for public use

·        Partnering with local nonprofits, government entities and aligned associations to support community initiatives and learn best practices in the sustainability space

·        Achieving Carbon Neutral status for its two operations/administrative buildings

Sustainability fits Civic’s values-based banking model, putting finance in service to people and the planet by driving economic advantage, growth and household prosperity through socially responsible, accessible finance, governance and transparency.


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