Corporate Central Conducts Annual Meeting and Announces Board of Directors

On Thursday, May 11, Corporate Central held its Annual Meeting at the Kalahari Convention Center in Wisconsin Dells, WI. They were pleased to join their members in celebrating the “Culture & Climate” theme at The Wisconsin Credit Union League’s Annual Convention & Exposition, which ran in conjunction with Corporate Central’s 42nd Annual Meeting. Delegates from member credit unions attended the meeting in person, while members from afar or unable to attend the convention in-person were able to watch a live stream via YouTube.

Chris Felton, President/CEO and Brett Thompson, President/CEO of The League, opted for a different, more informal format this year. Members in attendance gained insight from these two industry leaders on the state of the industry as they considered different topics during a table discussion. This included information on strategic initiatives and both opportunities and challenges facing the credit union movement. The joint meeting made a clear statement on Corporate Central’s dedication to partnering and collaboration, core value pillars of the credit union movement.

During the elections report, Corporate Central declared the following directors for a three-year term:

· Angela Hanson, Heartland Credit Union

· Peter Paulson, Corporate America Family Credit Union

· Steve Koenen, Altra Federal Credit Union

Corporate Central’s 2023–2024 executive committee was determined as follows:

· Chair, Peter Paulson, Corporate America Family Credit Union

· Vice Chair, Val Mindak, Park City Credit Union

· Secretary, Sue Johnson, Fort Community Credit Union

· Treasurer, Steve Koenen, Altra Federal Credit Union

Corporate Central’s directors include:

· Chris Allen, Fox Communities Credit Union

· Eric Chrisinger, Co-op Credit Union

· Angela Hanson, Heartland Credit Union

· Daniel Ige, “Golden Rule” Community Credit Union

· Jay Magulski, Landmark Credit Union


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