Coviance and MarketWise Advisors, LLC Release Independent ROI Study

Study finds that Coviance delivers a strong ROI to its client base composed of community lenders

Coviance (formerly LenderClose), a fintech company that makes the home equity lending process simpler, faster, and more scalable, released an independent ROI study captured in the e-book, Accelerate Home Equity Lending and Unleash Efficiency. The study conducted by MarketWise Advisors, LLC, a financial services consulting advisory firm, found that Coviance customers reduced lending cycle time and increased loan productivity by using its technology platform.

“Coviance and its clients have an opportunity to increase the level of value delivered through increased utilization and adoption of automation technology.”

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MarketWise analyzed responses from 110 credit unions and community banks who on average had used the platform for over two years. Respondents held a wide range of roles – from executives, to loan processors and underwriters. The comprehensive review and analysis of the financial and operational impact of Coviance services concluded that Coviance leveled the playing field and provided significant operational and financial benefits to its clients.

“I am grateful to our customers who independently shared the meaningful impact our technology has on business outcomes,” says Omar Jordan, Co-founder and CEO of Coviance. “It’s why we wake up each day excited to innovate on behalf of our customers and their borrowers.”

Key insights from the e-book include:

Coviance provided an operational backbone for lenders to increase their productivity with the same lending staff levels. This was responsible for increasing lenders loan closing ratios by 37.69%. Cycle time for processing and completing loan transactions compressed on average 4.72 days.

The average financial impact per loan achieved was $464.04 which is driven by operational and technology efficiencies delivered. This represented a return on investment of 5.21:1 ($5.21 average impact for every dollar invested in Coviance) - technology firms running above 5:1 is MarketWise’s internal threshold to categorize technology ROI as “solid.”

“Given Coviance’s investment in automation, MarketWise anticipates that clients will continue to accrue additional financial and operational leverage,” says Jordan Brown, CEO of MarketWise Advisors, LLC. “Coviance and its clients have an opportunity to increase the level of value delivered through increased utilization and adoption of automation technology.”

The Accelerate Home Equity Lending and Unleash Efficiency e-book is available to download here:


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