Credit Unions Advance Legislative Priorities at the Alabama Advocacy Conference

Credit unions from across the state of Alabama gathered in Montgomery this week for the League of Southeastern Credit Unions’ (LSCU) annual Alabama Advocacy Conference. This year’s event saw 92 attendees gathering together to ensure a successful end of session.

Presenters included Governor Kay Ivey, Lieutenant Governor Will Ainsworth, Alabama Securities Commission, Amanda Senn, and key legislative leaders. LSCU’s advocacy team also presented on many topics, equipping attendees with insight and strategies to advocate in the state house and their home districts.

“At the 2024 Alabama Advocacy Conference, we have amplified our voices and paved the way for credit union-friendly legislation to become successful,” said Michelle Roth, LSCU’s Senior Director of Governmental Affairs for Alabama. “The dedication from our credit union family fuels our momentum as we progress to secure meaningful victories for our members and the communities they serve.”

Attendees also toured the State Capitol, met with members of the Alabama legislature and state regulators. During the Legislative Reception held at the Alabama Association of Realtors, credit unions had the opportunity to meet and engage with many of Alabama’s state lawmakers.

“Being surrounded by the credit union community this week has fueled my passion for advocacy and reinforced the crucial role we play in shaping policies that benefit our members,” said Mark Johnson, President and CEO of Naheola Credit Union. “The productive legislative and regulatory meetings helped us stand united, ready to advocate for the interests of our members.
LSCU is grateful to credit unions who traveled from all over the state to represent our industry and highlight the credit union difference to lawmakers.

We also greatly appreciate the generous support of our system partners who help make events like the Alabama Advocacy Conference possible, including TruStage, this year’s title sponsor.


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