Pathways to Digital Transformation Offers a Look into Getting Your Strategy Right

CUES is pleased to offer Pathways to Digital Transformation, a new online session designed to help the industry’s leaders further the digital transformation efforts at their institutions.

“According to our partners at Cornerstone Advisors, by the end of 2022 a full 96% of credit unions had launched a digital transformation strategy—but only 3% report they have completed their efforts,” said Christopher Stevenson, CAE, CIE, CUES SVP/Chief Learning Officer. “This is an important fact, considering today’s member expects their credit union to offer easy and convenient payment, credit, and money transfer options, a trend further accelerated by pressure mounted by non-bank fintech companies. Pathways to Digital Transformation will help CU leaders further their efforts.”

This course builds upon the recent CU Management™ magazine article, Pathways to Digital Transformation. Attendees of the highly interactive, 90-minute session will explore:

The definition of digital transformationHow to use culture to drive digital changeWays to take an incremental approach to your strategyHow to create a learning organizationCrafting your digital vision

The course will feature prework assignments, breakout groups, and group discussions. During class time, participants will discuss their digital visions, tools to enhance collaboration, and how to create habits supporting digital change and innovation across the organization. 

Pathways to Digital Transformation is happening June 20 from 12:00-1:30 p.m. Central Time; learn more and register here


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