GTE Financial Garners Prestigious 2024 Aetna Workplace Well-being Platinum Award

GTE Financial is thrilled to announce its latest achievement—the prestigious Platinum Aetna Workplace Well-being Award. This recognition highlights the credit union's steadfast dedication to nurturing the health and overall well-being of its employees. Achieving Platinum status, the awards highest honor is a first for GTE and underscores the profound impact of its wellness initiatives.

GTE's approach to workplace well-being is both holistic and comprehensive, aimed at fostering an active lifestyle, mental health resilience, personal fitness endeavors, accessible healthcare, and much more. Central to its health and wellness ethos is the GTE LiveWell program—a robust framework designed to educate, engage, empower, and support employees in making significant lifestyle changes. LiveWell champions a healthy way of life through its offerings, which include an on-premise gym, an outdoor fitness trail, a monthly wellness stipend, and a plethora of educational and community-building activities.

Jasiel Legon, Senior Vice President and Chief Talent Officer at GTE Financial, expressed his pride in the company's culture of health stating, "being a part of GTE Financial, a place that places such a high value on well-being, is incredibly fulfilling. Our commitment to wellness transcends beyond a program—it's woven into the very fabric of our operations and reflected in the quality of our products and services."

GTE's application for the award received commendation for its exemplary performance in several critical areas:

● More than eight years of a sustained exceptional program

● A seamlessly integrated suite of well-being resources and activities

● Strong support from both executive leadership and middle management

● A dedicated budget accompanied by enticing reward incentives

● Worksite policies expressly designed to bolster GTE employees' health

The Aetna Workplace Well-being Award program invites employers to apply by sharing insights from their most recent 12-month wellness initiatives. Criteria cover well-being strategy and design, communication and organizational engagement, workplace programs and policies, incentives and participation, and program evaluation. A panel of well-being experts, through a peer review process, evaluates each application against established criteria. The award program, launched in 2017, continues to recognize and celebrate employers who prioritize health and well-being in the workplace.


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