Mazuma Credit Union Honored with Spirit of Philanthropy Award

2023 National Philanthropy Day event celebrates individual and corporate generosity

At the Association of Fundraising Professionals – Kansas City Chapter (AFPKC) 2023 National Philanthropy Day event held at the Kauffman Foundation on November 7th, Mazuma Credit Union received the Spirit of Philanthropy Award in the “Business” category. The Credit Union, which celebrates its 75th anniversary of serving Kansas City this year, was recognized for its ongoing commitment to supporting local organizations that do good in our community.

National Philanthropy Day was founded in 1986 and celebrates charitable giving in all its forms. In her remarks, AFPKC Board President Lindsey Rood-Clifford noted that “Honorees such as the ones we celebrate tonight truly embody the spirit of what it means to be philanthropic and make the idea of philanthropy – that we can make the world a better place through generosity – a reality.” The Spirit of Philanthropy award is given to one individual and one organization that “demonstrates outstanding commitment through financial support and through encouragement and motivation of others to take leadership roles toward philanthropy and community involvement,” according to the AFPKC.

Mazuma was nominated for this year’s honor by Kevin Clarke, Director of Corporate Partnerships with Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City, who praised the organization’s employee involvement, innovative ways of engaging with the community, and the range of organizations it supports locally. “This year’s award honors a local company that has made a huge impact inour community for years and is widely known for the success they have engaging their employees in giving back,” Clarke said, “I know many of the organizations in the room tonight have also benefited from their kindness.”

Mazuma is dedicated to giving back to its Members and community, upholding the credit union movement philosophy of “People Helping People” as it makes thoughtful and generoususe of its time, space, and assets. Through the Credit Union’s 40 Hours for Good program, Mazuma gives Team Members 40 hours of paid volunteer time annually to support Kansas City nonprofit organizations, with almost 5,000 hours of volunteer time given in 2022. At their recent 6th Annual Give Back Day, 180 Team Members shared their time and effort with several local non-profit organizations for a total impact of over 1400 volunteer hours in just one day. The organization also offers the community spaces at its headquarters and select branch locations free of charge to any local group looking for space to meet and discuss social or economic initiatives that make Kansas City a better place for all who live here.

The Mazuma Foundation, created in 2015 as part of the Credit Union’s focus on sharing financial assets with the community it serves, surpassed $500,000 in total grant funding since its founding when it awarded 16 grants to local organizations at the beginning of this year, and is currently reviewing applications for 2023. In addition, Mazuma’s Corporate Social Responsibility program regularly provides support for community partners including Big Brothers Big Sisters, Reconciliation Services, the Victory Project, and the Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) program.

“When we say our purpose is ‘Making Kansas City a Better Place to Live, Work, and Bank’, we really mean it!”, said Deonne Christensen, Mazuma’s President and CEO, “We’re deeply grateful for this recognition of our philanthropic efforts.”Mazuma’s VP of Growth & Community Development, Mark Thompson, accepted the award and noted that “Kansas City has an amazing philanthropic community and so many hard-workingorganizations that improve quality of life for our neighbors. Mazuma is honored to support them and contribute to the well-being and advancement of our great city.”


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