NCUA Board Briefed on Post-Examination Survey Project

Through a live webcast, the National Credit Union Administration Board held its sixth open meeting of 2022 and was briefed(opens new window) on the results of the NCUA Post-Examination Pilot Survey.

The pilot survey was administered by the NCUA’s Ombudsman, Sept. 20, 2021 – March 31, 2022, and included five questions focused on pre-examination, reporting, and post-examination requirements along with one open-ended question. Federal credit unions were invited to voluntarily participate in the pilot survey at the conclusion of a regular examination.

“The NCUA’s field examiners play a critical role in protecting credit union members, the system, and the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund,” NCUA Chairman Todd M. Harper said. “The new post-examination survey the NCUA has piloted is well crafted and has provided valuable feedback on the agency’s program. And, the survey’s results demonstrate that examiners are performing well overall. I would like to thank Vice Chairman Hauptman for his leadership in advancing this initiative.”

Among the pilot survey’s findings and recommendations, the NCUA will add qualitative questions, consider credit union asset size in determining survey questions, and consider using a third-party to administer the survey.

Next steps include extending the current pilot project, determining future survey questions, and researching non-NCUA entities to administer the survey.


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