LBS Financial Volunteers Clean Up Long Beach Coastline

In partnership with the City of Long Beach’s Adopt-A-Beach program, volunteers from LBS Financial Credit Union cleaned up a stretch of the Long Beach coastline on Saturday, February 3, 2024. 29 volunteers, including LBS Financial employees, family, and friends, removed trash from the sand and the parking lot at Junipero Beach.

The Credit Union’s adopted beach (for over 13 years) includes the coastline between 14th Place and 19thPlace off of Ocean Blvd. Flat cardboard sheets, empty water bottles, plastic utensils, napkins, empty spray paint bottles, ripped sandals, a shredded mattress and occasional articles of clothing in the sand were among the littered items the team picked up. The majority of items collected from the sand appeared to wash down from the street due to the heavy rainfall that Long Beach has recently experienced. In the parking lot, deflated balloons, cigarette butts, food wrappers and plastic containers were the most common pollutants.

“Not only did we collect large items, but we were also able to clean up items that we didn't want to float around in our community when the storm hit,” said LBS Financial employee and volunteer, Marissa Velazquez. She concludes, “It was a great clean-up day,” and the feeling was mutual amongst all of the volunteers who came together as a team to beautify Junipero Beach.


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