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Veteran Entrepreneurs Launch MyHome App to Help Homeowners Solve the Complexities of Maintaining Most Valuable Asset

All-in-one home maintenance solution provides screened, dependable, quality vendors in the greater Nashville region.

MyHome, a veteran-owned all-in-one home maintenance solution company, today announced the launch of its app to help homeowners solve the complexities of maintaining their most valuable asset – their home. Services are available in the greater Nashville region.


MyHome was co-founded by PenFed Foundation Veteran Entrepreneur Program participants Lindsey and Gabe Chrismon. Lindsey graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 2014 as First Captain, the highest-ranking cadet officer and just the fourth woman in West Point history to earn this honor. After graduation, she flew helicopters for the U.S. Army, eventually being chosen to fly the AH-6 Little Bird. She was the first woman in U.S. Army history to pilot this aircraft for Special Operations. Her husband Gabe is also a West Point 2014 graduate.

\”Gone are the days of leaving checks for lawn care or remembering to Venmo your housekeeper,\” said Lindsey Chrismon. \”MyHome is a marketplace that consolidates all bookings, scheduling, communications, and payments into one platform for all your home services. You can depend on quality vendors who are invite only and highly screened.\”

The MyHome Digital Binder feature stores every previous job detail from the last time the HVAC filters were changed to the paint color of the living room and is one place to upload any home documents that might be stored away in a filing cabinet or deep in your email.

\”The PenFed Foundation is proud to support the Chrismons and MyHome through our Veteran Entrepreneur Program,\” said PenFed Foundation President Andrea McCarren. \”As a veteran-led company solving real challenges for home owners, it is a prime example of the innovative startups we seek to elevate.\”

Homeowners can download MyHome at the Apple App Store or at Google Play. Vendors can download MyHome at Apple App Store or at Google Play.

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